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Talking Temperatures: What Can We Expect For The Next 2 Weeks?

18 Sep 2013, 11:24 am

It’s been a very up & down year so far, temperature-wise… to say the least.

While every year is like this, to some extent, we seem to have had quite a few record-breaking streaks of both lows AND highs this year – and many in the exact same regions.  Looking ahead we start to take a look at not only what you can expect for this weekend’s temperatures, but also the next couple of weeks.


9-18-2013 Banff Snow - Thanks to Banff Gondola


I circled it, just in case you didn’t notice – that yes, that is SNOW.  That is exciting for some (skiers, lovers of winter), and frightening for others (“normal” people).

I’m a big skier – but I also love summer sports, so I have mixed emotions every change of seasons… and the summer to winter transition is the toughest.

Let’s get back to business, though, talking about the temperatures for the next couple of days and weeks.

First – today and tomorrow there are some nice and SUMMER-like temperatures across the Midwest and the Ohio Valley.

Here is today’s model forecast:


Highs Today
Highs Today


Notice the robust quantity of 90s in the forecast.  Those are short-lived, however, with a slightly cooler batch of temperatures moving east and over into the Ohio Valley region for tomorrow (still warm, though).

Here are Thursday’s model forecasted highs:


Highs Thursday
Highs Thursday


So there you have it.

While the cooler air moving in might seem ominous – there is still good news for folks looking for above-average temperatures.

Check out the six to ten day forecast for temperatures:


6-10 Day Temperatures
6-10 Day Temperatures


Oddly enough, the Southwest is one of the likely cooler spots – where the Midwest and the South look to be at least slightly above average, if not a bit more.

Looking ahead even further, you’re talking about a fairly similar-looking map.

Days 8-14 look warm as well, for those same regions – with the period of warmth extended east a bit, over into the eastern Great Lakes.


8-14 Day Temperatures
8-14 Day Temperatures


So, do those temperatures outlooks make you happy, or sad?  That’s for you to decide!

WeatherNation Meteorologist Aaron Shaffer @ashafferWNTV

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