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PHOTOS: Lunar Eclipse Doesn’t Disappoint, Blood Moon Oozes Beauty

8 Oct 2014, 4:50 pm

(Photo of the blood moon taken on Oct. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: slworking2/Flickr

If you were like me early Wednesday morning, you begrudgingly slithered out of bed when your alarm clock went off outrageously early. No you weren’t preparing for an early meeting or getting ready for a pre-commute workout; you got out in the predawn hours to see the Earth’s shadow cast upon out nearest celestial neighbor, the Moon.

And if you were lucky enough to have clear skies, you got a hell of a show. The eclipse, which started around 6:25 EDT and lasted about and hour, wowed astronomy nerds around the world. Pictures soon flooded social media.

There were close-ups, cityscpapes and idyllic country scenes that all captured the intrinsic beauty of the moon cast in shades of copper, crimson and claret. The images below show some of the best images of the day. Enjoy.

Meteorologist Alan Raymond

Glenn Beltz_Flickr_10-8
(Taken in Goleta, Calif. on Oct. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: Glenn Beltz/Flickr

(Residents in San Francisco watch the fog roll back to show the start of the lunar eclipse on Oct. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: trophygeek/Flickr

Joseph Gruber-Flickr
(The blood moon sits above the Air Force Memorial in Washington D.C. on Oct. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: Joseph Gruber/Flickr

(The blood moon sits above southern Japan on Oct. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: halfrain/Flickr

Quinten Questel-Flickr
(The lunar eclipse was also visible from Port of Spain, Trinadad and Tabago on Oct. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: Quinten Questel/Flickr

Michael Muraz-flickr
(The Oct. 8, 2014 blood moon eerily floats next to the CN Tower in Toronto.)
Photo credit: Michael Muraz/Flickr

(A plane flies across the blood moon on Oct. 8, 2014 .)
Photo credit: mzmo/Flickr

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