All Weather News

Frosty Start Across Parts Of The Central Plains and South

19 Oct 2013, 9:33 am

It was a frosty start this morning in parts of the Morning lows across the Central Plains and South were in the 20s and low 30s.

We saw numerous pictures of frost from across the region, and wanted to highlight a few of them!

This was out of the Amarillo Country Club in Amarillo, TX, where frost caused a delay on the golf course.

Rose captured this photo of frost in Wichita, KS this morning. She’s quoting from a poem by James Whitcomb Riley called “When the Frost is on the Punkin.”

Jeffery shared this photo of frost at the Wichita Falls Country Club in Wichita Falls, TX this morning.


Meanwhile frost coated the ground in Moore, OK.


More frost is possible as the cold moves eastward tonight. First, frost advisories have been issued in parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois for Sunday morning as temps are expected to dip into the upper 20s to mid 30s.

Frost is also possible in parts of Tennessee and North Carolina tonight. Lows here are only expected to drop into the 30s.

More cool temperatures are expected into next week from the Rockies eastward. Meteorologist Addison Green will have more on the cool temperatures this week later today in the blog.

Meteorologist D.J. Kayser
Follow me on Twitter at: @weathrlver

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