All Weather News

February Outlook – Another Warm Month Ahead

25 Jan 2021, 1:30 am

Last week, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) issued the outlook for February, highlighting above average temperatures for much of the nation. The eastern and southern halves of the nation are expected to see a warmer than normal month. Colder than normal weather is forecast in the Pacific Northwest.


An active month may be ahead for the northern tier of the nation, where above normal precipitation is expected from the Northwest to the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley. Drier than average weather is in the forecast across southern sections of the country from the Southwest to the Southeast. This will contribute to drought conditions persisting in the Southwest and portions of the Plains.



La Nina conditions are present in the Pacific and further strengthening is expected. Those observations are the driving force behind the trends for the February outlook. The CPC states that La Nina conditions are being observed in the Pacific Ocean and are expected into early next year. La Nina was discussed last week by the CPC with an La Nina Advisory continuing.  Model forecasts and recent global pattern observations were also used to determine the 30 day forecast.

About the author
Mace was born and raised in Minnesota, where his intrigue for weather and broadcasting grew at a young age. His 30 years in broadcasting have taken him all across the Midwest and in the South.