All Weather News

Fall Outlook Highlights Warm and Dry Conditions

26 Aug 2021, 1:54 am

Last week, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center issued their Fall Outlook covering the period from September through October. After a warm summer, many areas can expect a mild autumn. Warmer than normal temperatures are predicted from East Coast through the Northern Plains to the West Coast. Cooler than average weather is not predicted across the lower 48 states.

The precipitation forecast calls for drier than average weather from High Plains to the Southwest. This will likely continue or worsen the drought conditions found across the West and High Plains. A small areas of wetter than normal weather is forecast in coastal Washington and Oregon.

Model forecast and current global trends were the main driving factors in the 90 day forecast. Neutral temperature conditions are currently being observed in the Pacific Ocean, meaning no El Nino or La Nina is present. La Nina is predicted to develop during the fall with a La Nina Watch issued.  A La Nina is observed when colder than average water temperatures are recorded in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.

About the author
Mace was born and raised in Minnesota, where his intrigue for weather and broadcasting grew at a young age. His 30 years in broadcasting have taken him all across the Midwest and in the South.