All Weather News

A Beautiful Bouquet

27 Apr 2010, 9:00 am
If the old saying holds true, and April showers bring May flowers – then the whole country should be in bloom by noon!
Ya know, I have heard that saying and USED that saying for as long as I can remember and as I was just about to say it on the air the other day I thought to myself, “how in the world did that saying get started?”  So like everyone else in the computerize free world…I googled it.
Interesting, I found that the saying is a very old English proverb meaning good things come tomorrow from unpleasant circumstances today.
I thought it had to originate from some monumental meteorological event causing an incredible botanical happening. ;-)
Nevertheless, enjoy the sunshine in the twin cities while you can, the flower growing enhancer is back this weekend.  Have a great day.
Gerbera Daisies 2
Laura Huckabee / Meteorologist

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