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8 Mind-Blowing Images of Super Typhoon Vongfong

Astro Reid-Twitter
(Super Typhoon Vongfong from the International Space Station, taken Oct. 9, 2014)
Photo credit: Reid Wiseman/Twitter

Typhoon Vongfong is the strongest tropical cyclone on Earth, for all of 2014. The storm, which was packing winds of 180-mph (gusting over 200-mph) at one point, has weakened significantly. And the massively potent typhoon has produced some incredible imagery from satellites, an astronaut and a computer model.

For a complete and comprehensive forecast, check out our Vongfong forecast article.

Check out the stunning images below, they beautifully — and terrifyingly — showcase one of the most powerful forces on Earth.

Meteorologist Alan Raymond

(Animation if Super Typhoon Vongfong on OCt. 8, 2014.)
Photo credit: NOAA

(High-resolution image of Super Typhoon Vongfong, taken by NASA’s MODIS satellite.)
Photo credit: NOAA/NASA

NASA-Vongfong Eye
(A close-up of Super Typhoon Vongfong’s eye.)
Photo credit: NASA

vongfong viirs
(An infrared image of of Vongfong, taken by a NASA satellite using the VIIRS instrument.)
Photo credit: NASA/NOAA

vongfong rainbow
Photo credit: NOAA

(This image, of a moonlit Vongfong, was taken by NASA’s Suomi NPP satellite, using the VIIRS instrument.)

Phot credit:

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