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United Kingdom Inundated with Rain

1 Feb 2014, 1:39 pm

United Kingdom Inundated with Rain

From BBC

Portions of the the UK are notorious for the damp conditions but the rain so far this year has been extraordinary. January was a record setting month for the UK with a tremendous amount of rain and wind.  All of this has led to extensive flooding.  Rainfall has been as much as 200% above average. Map shows above average rainfall in most of Southern England.

Map shows actual rainfall totals.

Both maps from the Met Office.

From the Met Office: “Looking at the winter season so far, the whole of the UK is on target for a wetter than average winter. Southeast and central southern England is already seeing its 6th wettest winter since 1910 and its wettest winter since 1995 (369.7 mm). The wettest winter on record was 1915 with 437.1 mm. The main reason for the mild and wet weather so far is that we have seen a predominance of west and south-west winds, bringing in mild air from the Atlantic – as well as the unsettled and at times stormy conditions.”

From Sky News

A statement issued by the agency said: “Gales, large waves and high tides present a danger to life and are expected to result in overtopping of sea walls and defences causing flooding to properties along with disruption to travel. The risk of flooding will continue into next week, with the Met Office forecasting further heavy rainfall across southern England and Wales. This rain will fall in areas where ground water and river levels are already high, bringing an ongoing risk of flooding.”

From the Telegraph: In Wales, students in seafront halls of residence at Aberystwyth University are being evacuated today until 4pm

From the BBC

From the Independent: Kate Marks, the Environment Agency’s flood risk manager, said: “A low pressure system combining with high tides brings a risk of coastal flooding to many parts of England over the weekend. The risk is highest for south west England, although many coastal areas will be affected and the public should stay away from coastlines and tidal areas and not drive through flood water. At the same time the risk of river flooding continues for the southern counties as with the ground already saturated, rivers are very responsive to rainfall. Groundwater levels also remain high in southern counties.” The army was called in to help stranded communities in the underwater Somerset Levels and are currently on stand-by with members of the Navy and Royal Air Force. Villages have been dubbed the “boat islands” by residents currently experiencing the most significant floods for two decades in the area.

Pattern will continue to remain stormy through the near future.

Meteorologist Gretchen Mishek

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